Digital catch statistics app - modern recording of sessions and catches 

Simple and intuitive application 

Before entering the water

Start a current or past session with four clicks (Go). Select date, time, patent and waters and an active event is started.

During the water

With an overview indicate caught and/or released fish. Easy overview of the ongoing session. Efficient and conducive interaction with fish supervisors. Stored data: Fish kept?, reason for release, time caught, fish species, length or number and weight.

After fishing: Closing and archiving

Checking and confirmation of the data. With confirmation, data on session and catches can no longer be adjusted. Saving the session in the archive.

Personal statistics

Personal evaluation as feedback and for a positive learning effect. Filtering of statistics by fish species, water body, year, retained/released fish and fishing from boat or shore (*CPUE: Catch per unit effort).

Other useful features

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    Automatic assignment of patent (permit) to fisher*in
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    Notification Inbox
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    ID card deposit
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    Personal bait box
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    Email support
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    External links to regulations, FAQ and map service
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    Geo localization for water section detection (optional)


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The advantages at hand

Efficient digitisation

Digital data acquisition and reduction of workload for authority & tenants

Closed Circuit

A continuous process from the survey, to the on-site control, to the catch statistics (compliance)

High Data quality 

Clear input options and no media breaks. Creation of a substantial database 

available data

Data is sent directly to the authority, so management and data sovereignty are controlled centrally

Direct respond & control

Direct and rapid response, e.g. closure of of water bodies or adjustments to regulations

Direct communication path

Improved direct communication with fishers through push notifications as well as regulatory updates

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